Popular young actor Naveen Polishetty is teaming up with first-time director Kalyan Shankar for a hilarious entertainer, produced by Sithara Entertainments in collaboration with Fortune Four Cinemas. The makers have officially announced the title of the film, Anaganaga Oka Raju, today innovatively through a funny video where the lead character Raju is getting ready for his wedding in style.
In the title announcement video, Raju, in the middle of a marriage photoshoot, is planning for his honeymoon in Hawaii. He is even instructing that the photos should be good enough to go viral on social media, something that celebrity couple Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif should be envious of. He even talks of readying a vaddanam for himself, like a WWF belt with over five kilos of gold. He throws various tantrums about his footwear too but at the end of it, confirms that the film will be the most entertaining event of the decade when it hits theatres.
బంగార్రాజు మొదటిరోజు వసూళ్ళు 17.5 కోట్లు గ్రాస్ – నాగార్జున
Anaganaga Oka Raju had another surprise in store where the most-happening composer S Thaman is announced as its music director, raising the audience’s expectations about the film. The entertaining glimpse just shows the non-stop entertainer that Anaganaga Oka Raju promises to be. Suryadevara Naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya are bankrolling the film. More details about the film’s cast and crew will be out soon.