Hero Ramcharan, Director Shankar All set to start there new shooting schedule. This panindian movie will start next shooting schedule from February 8th in Andrapradesh. director shankar already finalized locations. shoot will commence rajamahendravaram (rajahmunday) locations. Ramcharan and heroine Kiara advani will join this schedule. this latest schedule Will continue for 20days. After this Rc15 team may fly to Amritsar to start next schedule. recently shankar went to Amritsar for location search and finalize some locations too. Anjali, Srikanth, sunil, naven chandra will seen in key roles. And there are news Rc15 First look will release on march 27. which is Ramcharan birthday date
Rc15 Aiming 2023 Sankranti Release. Dil Raju is Producer. viswambara is Rumored Title. And Reports stated that Ramcharan will seen duel role in this. one is IPS Offcicer Another one is politician. A part of this RRR, Acharya Are Ramcharan’s Next Release’s. RRR Will hit scrreens on March 25 and Acharya on april 29. And Rumores are there Ramcharan soon teamup with a
bollywood director.