Of course each planet manifests differently in everyones life. (Observation). Its crazy how some people describe Aries placements as chaotic while others describe them as exciting and things of that nature. (observation). Fame Indicators in Astrology . They also tend to be very spiritual. Venus and Ascendant conjunct natives . Uranus in 10th individuals may get sudden but short fame. People with Venus in 6th / Venus in Virgo tend to stay single for a while and they are not the type to be with someone else right after a break up. Moon in Gemini individuals may have short- quick witted arguments with their moms, maybe even debates. Air moons could have a hard time giving comfort because they tend to find the logic in everything. So having one of these signs on the cusp of this house and then having a well-placed Jupiter signifies fame. Cancer Venuses & Moon (Overall placements Perhaps) love making promises in relationships, breaking a promise no matter how small it was, will really mess with them. Also, not all celebrities have these, but I am putting the most common and known indicators of fame! Gemini mercuries tend to talk really fast to let all their thoughts out and people could ask them to slow down at times. They may have preferences that arent seen asokay by most people. Pisces placements may love candles / nice odor around. (Venus in 2nd & Venus in 5th), Aquarius Venuses only ghost when you are being too clingy and putting labels too fast, these people need to know who you really are and do not like rushing into things, be their best friend first. (Becoming Professional). Neptune also represents illusions which is why this is considered a celebrity placement. Discover more posts about Fame indicators. They are not liars. * Juno same sign/house as sun People with Rahu in 1st have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. They develop emotions when developing their wisdom. Air prominence own mind is never- ending. - Aquarius and Pisces seem to have a strange connection where they can admire each other even without knowing each other at all in any way, acknowledging their talents, beauty, personality, etc. Having the ruler in its own house always makes it very powerful. They send messages in a creative way. (Underdeveloped). A lot of Venus in Aquarius individuals may have been addicted to being online / on the web at some point. Spirit in Taurus: Ruled by Venus, your spirit is loving, stubborn,pleasurable. (And very attractive & a lot of beautiful models have this). Mercury in Sagittarius whole communication style is spreading what they already know. Uranus is an intuitive planet and a random planet. People with Leo Venuses are often very well liked and people tend to admire them, they care a lot about aesthetics and how they are put together (especially outfits) so they may love getting compliments on their physical beauty or arts. Aquarius risings / Uranus in 1st individuals have really nice taste in fashion, a lot are trendsetters! T-square configuration. Will fight for security that may have been stolen from them. - Book authors often portray their most famous works with qualities and traits of their sun sign. Chart ruler in a positive aspect to 11th or 10th house ruler - if these are well-placed in regards to each other, the person usually becomes successful or famous. They can be very secretive on the way they send messages to you. May like the idea of haunted mansions. Someone with a Libra rising in the ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally attractive & charming & very aesthetic. Spirit in Leo: Ruled by the Sun, your spirit radiates very strong masculine and loyal energy. Having a planet tightly conjunct MC could signify success and fame. People with Saturn in 6th generally are prone to anxious feelings / thoughts and over-work themselves too much and their standards for themselves are very high. You are brought down here to explore emotions. Theyve could been made to focus a lot on heavy things rather than having fun. Pisces placements can be as paranoid as stereotypical Virgos can be. I ve noticed some cancer venuses cant focus on other people besides their romantic partner sometimes?? They may protect their family at all costs perhaps their mother but look at the whole chart. Pisces moons tend to have a mother who couldve been spirituality devoted / had unconventional interests like Astrology. - Fun fact Tumblr was a bitch today and turned black and half of this was deleted so a lot of this was remade from other thoughts of my brain. Some also like baking! Its very fucking adorable. Men with Cancer placements (Especially Venus) may use marriage in arguments or bring it up a lot to get their way etc. With their intellect, they can play off things well & may even be able to fool people easily. I have done some research on this degree and it doesnt always mean youll end up evil. Depending on the planet, youll know more about the field you could be successful in. People with 3rd house stellium may have at least at one point in their life struggle with communication. If there is other Astrologer indicators, this could very much be about Astrology. Example; Closed the door, but for some reason they convinced themselves they didnt. :**:, People with Taurus placements especially the Moon may very much love when their food is very well put together (pleasing to look at). Here is where one can really tap into the realm of which they could end up focusing most on in this lifetime. A lot of Astrologers have this placement as well. Moon in Sagittarius tend to be the biggest procrastinators. ( Check other placements). so if I'm blessed for educational pursuits(Jupiterin Sag in the 1st house) tell me why I dropped out of college?? Look for messages from loved ones and legal matters as well. (248) Asteroid Lamia can indicate where you can be the most seductive but the most hurtful to others / mostly masculine figures. For example; Alan Leo (Ascendant in Leo) Also has Sun in Leo. Aries placements go to extra lengths to make sure what they fight for has justice. - Air and Earth sun/rising love perfumes and smell good. Planet conjunct Midheaven - Midheaven is another important thing to look at in regards of fame. MC in Aquarius- can mean youll be the one who sets trends, someone whos different, the innovater. i have most of these so i cant wait to be a super, Let me know if you have any of these! Sagittarius + Taurus energy in a chart will make someone who holds their opinions in a very high way and stays loyal to themselves and what they believe in. Uranus is unconventional and has interests in stuff like Astrology, Mercury touching Uranus would make someone mind interested in these subjects and find it mentally stimulating. They have to be entertained 24/7. Lilith - Ascendant aspects couldve been told things like Cover up or things of that nature because people tend to see them in more of a troubling nature. Cancer rising women may like bangs / have bangs, Ive noticed this for a bit. Messages could also come from the mother/ any mother rule in your life. Ive noticed a lot of Water risings like the color light blue. They tend to beunique and often look different than others. #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship #3267 Glo - Shine and Glow #408 Fama - Fame #1388 Aphrodite - Sexual Attractiveness #12238 Actor - Abilities in Acting #407 Arachne - Boastful Talent #33154 Talent - Overall Talent #258 Tyche - Good Luck #27 Euterpe - the Muse of Music Moon in Aries individuals could have a mother who motivated them to try out a lot of things for example sports early on. Having Libra and Pisces in your big three makes you too generous to a fault. I mean literally, you wake up and you see something that you literally dreamed of. Not really just wanted to note it. Therefore, having moon- pluto & moon-venus and etc, especially harsh aspects in synastry can indicate a very chaotic anxious connection. They tend to have a lot of friends. Yeah, block button now. (they also love experimenting new things with their partners), Capricorn moons may have had a mother who worked a lot, the father figure may have motivated them / inspired them a lot more. This work belongs to me and me only, I dont wanna see this posted anywhere else. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. Soo many celebrities have this! This may surprise people but a lot of Scorpio Venuses do not like jealousy and possessiveness being projected to them in relationships, I believe this is because at their worse Scorpio Venuses can manifest this themselves and they do not need that influence in relationships. You are brought down here to embrace your nurturing, psychic side, all emotions. Its no mistake though.. a Scorpio placement may be personally be very different than you originally thought. Uranus in 1st / Aquarius risings individuals change a lot when it comes to how they express themselves, they may change their aesthetics a lot for example. Mars in 3rd tells me you dont gaf and you send those bold texts anyway. Scorpio + Leo in a chart can make someone prone to being easily jealous. Priapus in composite can show where the partnership likes to have fun & the most sexual. Many celebrities have this placement, like Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck, Selena Gomez, Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, Zayn Malik, John Mayer there are countless celebrities with this placement. Gemini I.C (Pisces Rising) could have more of a talkative & chatty household that could be more emotionally detached. Ive also met a lot of Taurus placements who love hugs or love holding their loved ones close to them. They go through a lot though, I just wanna say I love you. Theyre also subconsciously able to tell if someone doesnt have their best interest. Sagittarius placements can be very social & fun.. sure but they may disappear out of nowhere & change plans because a Sagittarius placement is always moving & so is their moods. One thing about Pisces placements is that they attract people who wanna distort them on who they are. (Capricorn & Aquarius & Saturn dominance). If there were other indicators of an Astrologer in the chart, this can make someone have never-ending admiration for Astrology & can develop creative ways of researching it / creative discoveries. Jupiter in 2nd house - this is the billionaire placement, not really related to fame but it is well-known. do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. Scorpio mercuries / 8th mercuries always amaze me. Johnny Depp and Kim Kardashian have this. Many billionaires have this, for example Bill Gates. Ive never ever met a Capricorn rising that wasnt so beautiful. Mercury in Scorpio/ Mercury in 8th- This placement always long for the truth and is an investigator naturally. Moon in 8th individuals may have mothers who hide things from them. Ariana Grande has this. They achieve success not just through their mesmerizing beauty, but through their passion for their creative projects that they put out into the world. Leo placements like when things have their own sparkle too it, hence a lot of people tend to copy people with Leo placements or degrees. We often jump into mixing the energies and trying to make the full picture right off the bat but really learn each of your planets and nodes with intention! Let me know if you have any of these! Example: Tarot Cards). Mars in 4th individuals should be aware of dealing with any fire in their home since its very possible for fire to start in their home / smoke. Mercury rules tricks and these people can charm their way out of anything. : Personal planets, rising, or MC in Aquarius degrees 11 and 23 can easily attract social media influence. (Check other placements), Women with Scorpio moons tend to be seen as intimidating and could also make them have very piercing eyes. Chart ruler in a positive aspect to 11th or 10th house ruler - if these are well-placed in regards to each other, the person usually becomes successful or famous. Youre probably scared of even going to the grocery store at times. Chart ruler in a positive aspect to 11th or 10th house ruler - if these are well-placed in regards to each other, the person usually becomes successful or famous. * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn Would devote a lot of attention towards it. Being the mediator a well developed and integrated mercury is incredibly fortunate. They also create a sense of nostalgia for a lot of people. They glow the best when relationships have clear boundaries and mutual trust. Of course this is strictly talking about Wester Astrology and its archetypes of each sign. Aquarius venuses only want a best friend & lover in both. The smaller the orb, the better. You love to be a physical spirit guide. Johnny Depp and Kim Kardashian have this. When looking at your birth chart, look at the degrees your Personal Placements and your MC/10th House (which is what you're known for) are in. Strong emotions. (No stereotypes.) #408 Fama - Fame #1388 Aphrodite - Sexual Attractiveness #12238 Actor - Abilities in Acting #407 Arachne - Boastful Talent #33154 Talent - Overall Talent #258 Tyche - Good Luck #27 Euterpe - the Muse of Music #23 Thalia - the Muse of Comedy ASTEROIDS RELATED TO ATTRACTIVENESS (MASCULINE ENERGY): #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness People with an empty 11th house tend to be very independent people. In lasser degree fame is indicated also by Sun being in 1st, 4th and 7th. I know fire placements are given the reputation of being creative and shit they are, but air placements tend to be incredibly creative too but they may express it through writing the most. Mars in Cancer may get tired of sports easily or loose energy for them easily. The moment you learn how to manage your karma and self discipline youll find that finding purpose becomes much easier to access. Soo many celebrities have this! (Check other placements), Leo placements (Especially Moon & Rising) may wake up with hair all over the place or somewhat messy. They could have very loud coughs, etc. For example a lot like working out at a specific time. Aries placements could benefit a lot from taking care of their third eye chakra (They rule the head & just a theory. For a more in depth understanding I recommend looking into finding your Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology for more in depth and personal life path guidance. This is also a great indicator of creativity within the career. - good sun-moon aspects usually indicate strong, long lasting relationships, - good moon-mercury aspects indicate almost an effortless understanding and communication, lots of empathy, (disclaimer: i just wrote these in my notebook & there might be some not in my own words, bc i googled to find out more about a lot of them; this is therefore simply a collection of aspects). Look for messages from intense environments and more of darker ones too. They guide you with transformation in your life. A lot love books. (Not a serious crush). Again, you need to study them and check all the aspects etc. Pisces venuses are scarier than scorpio venuses. (As you should!) If one has an Aries moon in the 4th house it will be a little less bold and less aggressive, they may cry when expressing emotions for example. Your spirit embodies the fishes that swim at opposite directions. Also, not all celebrities have these, but I am putting the most common and known indicators of fame! Uranus influence - Uranus rules fame, so having it positively influencing someones chart points to fame. Sun is where we shine the most and when its in this house, we shine in social groups, online and in public setting. Having a strong 11th house talks about being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have this stellium. So having one of these signs on the cusp of this house and then having a well-placed Jupiter signifies fame. - A curious fact is that in movies or television shows, actors have a character that identifies with what would be their sister sign. Libra risings are one of the most helpful individuals, they love to be convenient even though Virgo risings get the reputation of being helpful, I believe Libra risings never hesitate to help anyone in need <3. Could be slow readers and may avoid heavy paragraphs and may like things layed out for better concentration. islandgyali-blog liked this. Someone with Aquarius in 12th or Uranus may experience connections tearing apart for very weird reasons & unexpected. To theirdesired life. Aries rules the head. (Theory), Chiron in 3rd could make someone really shy / timid in activities where they have to present communication, the type to not like to present in class because they were too scared. North Node in 10th or 11th house - north node talks about our destiny. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). Its hard for someone to truly know whats going on in their thoughts. (Gemini rules hand). ( Especially if that person has it as their Venus) But again look at the whole chart. Overthinking could cause problems. (Theory), Lilith in 4th in Synastry could indicate the mother could be envious of the connection. Men with harsh Lilith in their chart may get falsely accused of tabboo things. Capricorn moons once they settle, theyre really protective over their partners. This is because pisces placements can truly be themselves online, but theyre really shy in person. Since Saturn rules Ink and Venus is Aesthetic. You could put an Aquarius placement with 100 people who are very different and theyd still feel as if they dont fit in. People may try to rumor about them or make rash assumptions quite quick. Gemini are often popularized for unusual, fanciful, or dramatic stories in their lives. (h22) If the Priapus asteroid touches a guys Jupiter tightly it can indicate they have a large penis. - Many legends or famous stories/events recreated are usually about Gemini people as the protagonist. This only goes to underdeveloped Scorpio placements and not to the mature ones (I have Scorpio Placements) but Ive noticed a pattern where underdeveloped Scorpio placements are prone to copying / using sly techniques in order to get power, wether this is cheating off other people or anything of that nature, some really underdeveloped ones can be very hungry for power and recognition theyll do anything at almost any cost. . Pisces placements may find it hard not to fall asleep in any comfortable dreamy place. Ex; Capricorn in 11th: Karmic experiences with the internet. Jupiter ruling 11th house - Sagittarius and Pisces are both ruled by the planet of luck - Jupiter. Mars - Pluto people NEVER stop what they wanna do and just keep working and working and working hard, it goes unseen that this is a workaholic placement. (Especially Leo Venus / Venus in 5th). . A lot love the night too & looking at the moon. Uranus dominants may be forgetful of little things. They may have a hard time controlling their laughter in and have a contagious smile. Example= Blog made online to rant. Kylie Jenner has her Jupiter conjunct 2nd house cusp by less than 1 degree, so that also applies. Cancer and Virgo placements are naturally drawn to each other from what Ive noticed. Youll never hear bullshit come out of their mouths because they have already planned it out so well. Sagittarius moons naturally can be happy spirits, but a lot are prone to isolating themselves from the world to not burden anyone when upset. Because of this youll see people with an, This asteroid is great for ultimate soulmate connections & your best soulmate. @hillarysss, Check out my rules on reposting and plagiarism here . Mercuries in 9th house is a very big know it all placement in my opinion, people with this placement are very savy and knowledgeable and will not let you forget that theyre hella intelligent. One way you can distinguish a Libra rising is by their smile and maybe existen dimples. People with Pholus asteroid (#5145) very prominent in their chart tend to be self destructive / changing. Scorpio placements have always been some gossip in a point of their lives. They couldve known they love Astrology the first time they ever discovered it. if biden wins I know so many of you are going to go back to not caring nearly enough, and this is not some holier than thou guilt trip gotcha like please actively check yourself because millions are going to suffer and continue to suffer under him as well. Anteros in 8th may like to give money to the person to show appreciation.
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