She may be one to something. Yes I do. Agreed Michael. She and others back their words of welcome to you with their sincere words of prayer for you. Loss off place in church culture. I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. The most serious claim against Calvary's national church came in 2011, when four men in Idaho filed a federal suit alleging a youth minister named Anthony Iglesias had molested them between 2000 and 2003. Youre just twisting Acts 2. When we personify we learn to practice loving God and others as we live in His presence as we live together with others. I guess Im the rookie of the bunch since this blogging stuff is my first round ever participating in such, but I have to say Im amazed and taken aback by the acidic, sarcastic, jabbing, slandering; lets say it absolute hateful jabs at one another ( just do a speed read at 476 thru 1!). More people should resign. Guess how many mainstream Christian media outlets have run this story. Diane also drew a picture for the jurors _ a roadway, a few trees and two trucks. The Bible spells out exactly what must be done: And the man that committeth adultery with another mans wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbours wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10) Are any of the Lord Gods words clearer than these: the adulterer shall surely be put to death? Let the matter sort itself out and let him rail away like a coyote in the night wind. The criteria for judging is that you have to be willing to be judged by the same measure! We have an enemy and it is not Pastor Bob. I have been listening and watching other respected Pastors on Youtube. His board are all obviously morons. As I said above, look how many men think that the light casual joking around is not harmful when they are actually sending out and allowing themselves to receive horny vibes. Youve met your match Bob Coy is the tip of the iceberg and gets special attention because of his position, but his fellow sinners are legion. The perpetrator must be removed form the pedestal men have placed him on in order to allow restoration to begin. Sad. "They do what they feel is right based on the evidence they have.". By 1986, his church had outgrown the funeral parlor and attracted about 1,200 regulars to an Oakland Park chapel. God credits His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation, thereby justifying them in His sight. But that doesnt mean you are any less capable of doing the same bad things you did before you were officially savedand the mindset is that, Well hed never do that, hes been transformed by the power of Jesus!well, no, that isnt true. Same with apologies. 11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord will set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people, that shall remain from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. Ok I got it:) So do you NOT believe jesus is coming back for the bride one day? Get the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inbox. One of the many reasons I left. You are working hard to put people into a mold. What Happened to Aunt Diane? "That whole approach always ends up hiding pedophiles.". "I can't discuss it on the record," he said, before adding cryptically: "If you're foolish enough to go through with this story it would hurt a lot of people.". I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. I have family and friends who have suffered the destruction of cheating and divorce, and the kids are the ones who are hurt the most. I also pray he has the right people alongside him-people that truly care about him-like we did. Please understand I dont mean that condescendingly, it just is fact. They were expecting it. If not then the whole board and staff needs to repent ( in ways appropriate to their position and level of participation and approval) . Daughter And as you look at these Pastors, one used to run the cafeteria (Did he have any biblical education to become a Pastor)?, one is BCs brother in law, and one is his nieces husband. Some knew that the building that was built for the H.S. This will harden them somewhat but it will pass and they will be better for it. If God says He does it with a chain, then He does it with a chain. They were the ones with the power to fire him, and they did so. The problem is that youre not with Christ Jesus, who looked at Peter with compassion, but youre with a different being, an angelic being who accuses the brethren day and night! God said enough was enough and bang asshole your doneyou scammed enough of my people. Coy and his family are OUR FAMILY IN CHRIST! He would simply confessown it all publiclywrite a new book on his time offand marvel at Gods grace toward him. Look in Daniel 1 v 20. If he is not happy with the wife, divorce her first and then if you want to go spread your seed, go ahead. BD, how can you say youre not a Calvinist and yet stand idly by while they pervert the scriptures and negate the truth and promises of God, sounds like youve been brainwashed by 600 years of lies! Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Pray for Pastor Bob, his wife and family and the CC Ft. Lauderdale staff and congregation. If I was a new believer ( and Im not, its been 40 years) I would run fast, away from this apparent hate tank if I thought this was the body because thats what this has become- a hate tank. Conflicting . not to cast doubt on your reporting or professional abilities, but this is a serious allegation, and deserves all investigation and information gathering before any public news report is made regarding the particularities of Mr. Coys problemsand those should remain between he and his family in any event! Michael, I see you shook the tree and some nuts fell out. Now he was locked up in jail. Reforming catholicism doesnt work. In 2003, John Flores, a pastor at Smith's flagship in Costa Mesa, was arrested for having sex with the 15-year-old daughter of another pastor. I totally agree anon. In fact, the church had been battling accusations nationwide for years that it empowered predatory pastors while demanding little accountability. What did the church do in the Middle Ages? MLD, Im simply asking you to tell me ONE thing that Luther was wrong about in doctrine (in his confessions or from whatever source you like). I actually do not answer yes to all your questions. Michael, how would you feel if you are saying was known and left a cyber carbon print? Not only is he a humble man for someone who held that position for so long but pride does not throw you into that kind of sin, its if anything, coveting what is not yours that does. Ive never been married. I have. I would also see their wives looking at them and nudging them. Punishment is for both, the guilty person, and for all the onlookers to witness the aftermath of disobedience. Normally Chuck would have not wasted this asset unless what Coy did was to outrageous to cover up. How pointing out all these passages that you freely spiritualize help your claim of a literal 1,000 yr earthly reign is beyond me. It falsely teaches that a person must walk well enough to prove that they were saved. Calvary Chapel also has more than 13,000 Facebook followers. It appears I missed the Mensa meeting on this thread ;o). This website is, usually, dominated by people that hold to one very narrow view of eschatology. At communion are you consuming the actual, real, body and blood of Jesus? If you want to have a theological dialogue you can find one here. Andy, did you get your 691 out of a Chick comic book? #470 IMO the way the women looked going to that church was a big problem that no one addressed. I hope his family and wife learn to love and trust again. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. Bob has helped save thousands with his teaching and we should leave the punishment up to God and pray that he will repent and use this fall to come back stronger than ever. They told me about some others they knew who were part of the less prestigious meals. While you are rejoicing in the fall of another you should do your home work and renounce you idol worship of your anti-Jewish god Luther, along with the gracious burn them at the stake unrepented Calvin. I travel almost an hour to CCFTL because I was well fed there. God can bring restoration- please Lord, help the Coy family. In 1988, Coddington founded Boyd's Wheels, Inc. to manufacture and market his custom billet wheels. And bravo to a strong board if they are able to prevent these common pitfalls of a fall. One too many run-on sentences of ignorance for me today. 326 MICHAEL WHO MADE YOU MESSENGER?????????? He confessed to it. It was also difficult to be someone who had discernment there. Michael, youre kicking against Gods goading and your colors are showing. Also read the 2nd to last paragraph from June. And this is no strike whatsoever at Coy. Does that corroborate with what youve heard? I am pointing out the fact that giving flawed man too much power and authority is corrupting in both politics and religionno matter how specially anointed they claim they are or how endorsed they are by Chuck Smith etc. If anything, this week, this place, has attempted to bring some good, some lessons, some encouragement, and some healing to those caught in that wreckage, and I include myself in that group. Pastor Chuck Smith in 2006; the Calvary Chapel phenomenon, which now includes more than 1,000 churches nationwide and hundreds more overseas, began with the 25-member church Smith founded on a Costa Mesa lot in 1965. Did he really? No one is denying that grace, forgiveness, and redemption are available to him and all of us who are sinners by birth and by choicebut lets focus on the wounded before the wounder. With his tale of drug addiction and strip clubs, the newly redeemed Coy was a perfect fit for Calvary's edgier message. Im not doubting your passion for your convictions. MLD wrote: I havent brought up Luther once. Im not here to parrot press releases. It was not readily available. What usually happens in these situations is that after the offense is noted and documented the person is given the option to leave voluntarily or be forced out. Hugh, Crap, another curse? But I cannot confirm on the matter. Try and keep up:). to clarify, are you saying that Coral Ridge Presbyterian is Jezebel leading Jesus bond-servants astray? When a blitzed, 26-year-old Coy went to see his brother the next day, Jim threw a Bible at him and told him to read it. His wife is Diane Coy (m. 1984, div. I am not particularly attractive and it never ceases to amaze and disgust me when men will make a fool out of themselves in front of me and horribly, in front of their wives. MLD, again, Acts 2 isnt speaking on the truth of a literal 1000 years in Revelation. [10] Dusty, Youre too kind. I figure that is why you are now circling your wagon around Coy. thank you so very much for that. You probably dont want to go there with me, as I may know more than you want to hear. The man had forced her to perform oral sex, she said. At that time the services were also being displayed live. That may have been accomplished through small home groups, but his magnetism and charisma kept a need for a larger building. Miserable, Hugh, You should listen to Michael when he says I did not make Bob Coy have sex with women other than his wife. -, - ; , . So Gary, why do you bring up the Lutheran thing. We have to consider this each time we place anyone near to or above God. We who are conservative Christians love to lecture the world about their sins. Cant seem to wonder if Pastor Clay knew something and that is why he resigned the end of last year. The next level of givers got to have a dinner with them with more people, the next level got a buffet dinner> The next got a lunch buffet and then some got nothing.. "Typically, how it goes in these cases is you have a violator in the church, but the leaders will have this notion that if he repents, he's forgiven, and then we don't have to talk about it any more," says Leander James, who specializes in church child abuse cases. Oh, Florida of little faith! Antonio. Does Satan have a body? Thank you for posting such a powerful and healing message. We are called to love and forgive. I get no pleasure in pointing this out. Ive been married for over 3 decades to the same woman. Was a 2nd announcement made today at services? MLD, I think the Whittenburg door is blocking your ability to understand scripture, Jesus said, do this in memory of me in John 6 when he spoke to them of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, he told them after the crowds left that he was speaking to them spiritually! He was the Passover lamb that they would be internalizing when he died on the cross for their sins! In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. Whats George Zimmerman up to these days? I wonder how many were out there defending Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker when they fell into sexual sin? Im more sympathetic to the people like Anonymous above than to Coy. Coy soon upgraded again, by moving to a warehouse in Pompano Beach, where thousands came every week to watch him preach. A poor man has the few options left to him when she leaves him with his shame. well praying for you. Please remember there are family members who may well read the words you are writing one day. Others stayed in Smith's original system. That is why Mark Davis & Clay heacocks leftthey saw this stuff and said enough is enough!. one more bad guy to add to the never ending. What is the biblical model for dealing with leaders who blatently sin? For the imature in Christcontinue to drink your milkwe are praying for you. The make-up session with DC was at the auction so it was bid on. True confession accepts 100% of the blame. I felt that the constant comedy instead of Bible teaching, was the sign that there was always something wrong there. Oh, he doesnt think that on the surface, but he knows what he is doing. You can listen at their website. For the gates of hell will not prevail against my church, thus saith The Lord! The way we are transformed is by accepting the Rest that remains. Want it to stop. We took our kids out of the pool at 4 PM to make a 6 PM service. Maybe the crime scene was unprotected late that night. Is there a lawsuit coming? For everyone. I hope you come back, so many love you and God loves you more! where is pastor bob coy now 2020. Time will tell. When it comes to judging their own sinprivate meeting and dont judge!. All sin is equal. Join together in prayer for Pastor Bob Coy and his family! God bless. If someone tried to start a ministry that they had no control over (even Bible studies) they were often shut down. Though we may seem callous about what has transpired, that could not be further from the truth. My thought when I was there was Doesnt the first person feel ripped off? But doctrine doesnt fall into that same category? Well the subject is that is Bob Coy is not fit to be a Pastor because of his sexual indiscretions. In Coy's case, Bailey made a relatively unusual ruling: All financial documents would be kept secret. I think thats a YES! Coral Ridge is an excellent church. meanwhile im still waiting for the false teachers in my area to be exposed like Maldonado, Grambling, etc. Who assigned you the daunting task of picking up the pieces? That lent itself to a very youthful, crazy, wild lifestyle. The strange thing is that Mark was with Bob for almost the entire 30 years as his #1 right hand man and Mark was a brilliant businessman. Coy has to accept the consequences for his sin, as do we all, and certainly has put himself in this position and opened himself up to the public discussion about what should be his and his familys personal business.but thats not the point! Ever. This place has a gifting for helping saints deal with things like you are going thru. Hes resigned so let it be. Was he so selfish that his ego got so big he was ABOVE THE LAW??? Had not thought of that. Again I presume your a single woman. I have been married over 45 yrs and am almost Muslim like when I come in the presence of other women. That isnt my fault. No, he needs some healing and then he can work his way back into place just as two of the current worship members did and are clean now. I am not telling them to let him keep his job. You have to reject the Old Testament. I have spent years hearing people around me saying, Bob Coy is so funny!, Bob Coy knows how to do church! ad nauseum. "God is with us all who learn and grow so much from a man who always reminded us he was human and not one is perfect not even Pastor Bob but God gave him a purpose and he did well by God. Why not face the congregation of you have nothing to hide? In his later days, he began registering cars that were essentially completely custom fabrications as antique automobiles, avoiding major emissions restrictions and tax liabilities. Its interesting Michael has yet to answer the question about his own sins. According to an August 2015 report provided to The Christian Post by the Coral Springs Police Department, a mother living in Southern California reported that her then 17-year-old daughtercame forward, saying she had been sexually abused by Coy for years. I knew his daughter, he was a good dad. In 1996, the church paid $21 million for a 75-acre campus just east of Florida's Turnpike off Cyprus Creek Road, where Coy often dipped into politics to guide his massive flock. This is very important Michael. Join the New Times community and help support 2nd, I dont believe much that I see quoted on these rapture ready type web sites. I still have the cassette tape. Just wanted to validate jlos welcome. Barbara. I was able to get some details on the matter and published yesterday afternoon. Now this man was their bishop and without a bishop they were not sure if they would still be a church what to do? Whats the rationale for removing all of a guys teaching from the internet when he fails morally. The difference is: Peter had a one-time crisis of faith that was immediately repented of and perhaps more permanently cured by the Resurrection. I have prayed mightily for Bob, Diane and their two teenage children and I have prayed for all the saints. And a grim-looking assistant pastor, gripping a letter, was walking across the stage. Although Bob was a pastor of a mega church and held to a higher standard, he is still a human being, and human beings are flawed sinners. I already said he can be restored as a brother, and I have said that God can show him grace and forgiveness and provide restoration. "Our pastor, he committed adultery with more than one woman. He might have resigned but I doubt the cash flow is stopping for him. If I was a Calvinist I would still punch you in the blog-mouth with your silliness. Am I still being censured by MN? The woman told him "she had an experience with God and has found forgiveness" for Coy over his abuse. From the camera shots of the kids in the audience-they werent buying it. Thanks. I agree 100% with Michael. David did not have the risen Jesus supposedly living in his heart, nor the power and anointing of the holy spirit that they claim, as current day proponents of the good news. You say regarding John Macarthur, Otherwise, at least he doesnt get rich off of Jesus and doesnt bilk people of their money and tows the moral line he lays down. Really? Oh yeah lets take care of that child playing with a snake, the snake is actually a licorice stick, nope no millennium there! Excellent, thoughtful article today and we appreciate it much. The CC dove poops again. Krent, Why do you express yourself behind screen names? I can only speak for myself, I want that I say to be more important that who I am. Then she drew a stick figure lying in the road. I am. We have confirmed that Coy has admitted to at least two affairs in the past year alone and has had a long standing problem with pornography, wrote blogger Michael Newnham. Our relationships with Jesus need to matter more than getting up in front of a crowd does. Time for dinner. Nero was certainly anti-Christ though I personally would not ascribe the definite article. Here is a synopsis of the core beliefs that Coral Ridge list on their website. Indeed, police records show no progress on the case until eight months later, on April 4, 2016, when Coy's young accuser showed up at Coral Springs Police headquarters. To critics such as Newnham, there's only one reason to fight for a ruling like that: to hide from churchgoers the amount of cash the church gave Coy to go away. [6] Just ask Michael Newham, hell avoid the question as he points his stubby little fingers everywhere else but at himself, or Alex G, he at at least might be more honest and tell he you hes viewed porn and probably worse. Be strong and have Faith.. Everyone loves u and repentance will heal..prayers to u and your family. If a Pastor is sinning in his personal life, how can I have confidence in what he says from the pulpit? And I have a sincere question about him. Lots of stories here. I understand the severity of this. Funny how theres one standard someone has about bearing false witness to their buddy and another one for me. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. Bakker was a victim of his own beliefs. Lordship doesnt mean sinless but you cant have Jesus as savior without Him also as Lord they go together. Or thought of someone else while youre with youre being intimate with your wife? We all had the church turn its back on us as if we were liars and the pastor had his boardaka henchmen literally try to chase my family out of town to keep us quiet. I actually have people Im accountable to and I speak with them almost daily. Have you ever had a hairball? Andy, And so if you cant read shall reign with him 1000 years as shall reign with him 1000 years, that is your personal issue. Hey, just show me the verse and the reference that it is an earthly rule I will change my position. Church isnt a club or a pick up joint. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to our hearts. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Bakker still owes the IRS about $6 million.