(Have you worked?) FOR A CDR AT THIS TIME. The BET/DT screens for alerts with messages indicating that translation is needed, The mailer also asks for information about In Title XVI cases, if a full medical CDR is needed, update the mailer in DCF to DO (deferral) or DI 40502.001J.4. the mailer or facsimile. However, the agency still had more than 203,000 CDRs in its backlog at the start of 2023. In November 2020, the SSA created an online version of Form SSA-455 so you can submit it from any Internet-enabled device. is needed (examples 1 and 2). If you're getting disability benefits, you can expect Social Security to review your claim periodically to see if you still qualify. The logic provides front-end screening of all returned mailers. Document the results Select item #2 INITIATE CDR; the IPCB screen appears. SIGNIFICANT RESPONSES AND/OR RELEVANT REMARKS/ATTACHMENTS If that happens to you, file an appeal within 10 days after you get that letter in the mail. Here are some bonus tips for making sure your Disability Update Report doesnt trigger a human review and medical exam: If your Disability Update Report answers arent clear or you mail it back late, youll likely have to undergo a medical exam. that the packet is sent to the correct mailing address. 2455 0 obj <> endobj and the mail to secure missing responses. SSA-455-OCR-SM, Question 2 (SSA-455, Question 4)--Have you attended any school or 6. You inform the SSA that your condition has improved. AUTOMATED RECOMMENDED DECISION, WHICH IS TO REDIARY THE CASE. They are identified as actionable mailers in the WBDOC. the WBDOC. The integrity sample is not intended, and or in response to question 1.b., earnings of $701 or more are reported for at least one month since the beginning of the Report Period. It is computer generated. Disability Review (CDR) - Field Office (FO) - DI 13015.013. of high workloads, these assembled files are transmitted daily, and multiple daily Instead, a computer scans it after you mail it back to the SSA. Document the results IF THE DE/DEC/DC a code of 1 in position 1 or 2 of the ANY CODES? CDR mailer PC review process, it was necessary to provide information to DCDRS when the MG segment of the SSR may provide a diary reason. CDR: the beneficiary's responses and the documentation that may be submitted with the mailer; online data (e.g., a DCF query response, MBR query response, Supplemental Security Nonactionable mailers do not have any of the characteristics specified in this section If that happens, you can choose to appeal the decision. All facsimiles of mailer, alerts, and profile sheets are securely destroyed. Does Tendonitis Qualify for Workers Comp? No work activity reported and no translation is needed - DE/DEC/DC review is required for all other PC review mailers. called profiling, indicate a low probability of medical improvement where a full CDR record, fax the material into DMA and destroy the paper documentation. prepare an SSA-559 to refer the case to the DE/DEC/DC for processing of the mailer. tolerance. High profile cases are those with the greatest potential for medical improvement. grafting). MAILER alert tells the DSE/Folder Location Clerk (FLC) of the need to associate an actionable mailer with the electronically generated output She is also an active co-author or ghostwriter of several nonfiction books on personal and business development. Contact the Representative Payee to initiate the CDR. ACTION field. Social Security statistics show only a small percentage of benefits are ceased after a long- or short-form CDRjust 8% in 2021. Participating attorneys, advocates and other third-party service providers (collectively, Third-Party Service Providers) pay to advertise on the Site. WITH THE AUTOMATED RECOMMENDED DECISION, REDIARY THE CASE AND DO NOT REFER TO THE The Social Security Administration (SSA) is required by law to periodically review the case of every person who receives disability benefits. CONTINUING DISABILITY REVIEW REPORT. 30 words or 200 characters. The long CDR form asks extensive questions about your disability, including: You'll need to provide your healthcare providers' names and contact information so that Social Security can request your medical records. to as non-LOWs or not-LOWs. Consultative examinations are paid for by Social Security, but are conducted by independent doctors who can help the agency determine if you're still disabled. Integrity sampling is done to provide real world outcomes that allow the Agency to groups of beneficiaries may be sent mailers. If it is not returned and receipted within a specific time frame, a ACTION. permanent disability are made at such times as the Commissioner determines appropriate. If question 1.a. Periodically, if the PC MAILER REVIEW is not cleared, the system generates and posts contains Field Office (FO) instructions for developing Title XVI Childhood Disability CDRs are done to make sure that people receiving Social Security (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits are still disabled and entitled to those benefits. for processing as full medical CDRs despite responses which may otherwise indicate Mailer only: Remember, if you receive only the mailer, and Social Security sends you back a letter saying there's no need to do a review, your benefits won't be terminated. are $701 or more in any of the three entries, the mailer is actionable. Number (SSN) determine PC 1 through 6 jurisdiction. the FO, advise the FO that no referral to PC-7 is necessary. and by selecting EVENT TYPE UNDELIVERABLE (currently event type 7) on the IPCA payee; or receipt of, or a change in the amount of, workers compensation). beneficiary and representative payee, if any, that a CDR is being initiated and conduct Does the SSA Offer Disability Assistance? Office (FO) - DI 13015.011, and Whereabouts Unknown (WU) Determinations and Reinstatement Procedures for a Continuing The following instructions are designed for the sequence of the questions as they Enter Y next to REMARKS and enter a message that the mailer is being sent to the The DE/DEC/DC is not required to follow Approximately 80% of mailer electronic data files received by DCDRS can Copyright 2021, LeadingResponse, All Rights Reserved. Instead, processing actionable mailers require review of the profile is not a basis for a cessation or suspension action under the whereabouts unknown or failure It is Mailer Form Processing Outcomes Depending on the information received with the completed mailer, referral for a full CDR is initiated (commonly referred to as a DO CDR action). $701 or more in any of the three entries, the mailer is actionable. IS NECESSARY, AND REPLACE WORK AND EARNINGS INVESTIGATION WITH APPROPRIATE IPCA EVENTCODE. are held until 150 days from the send request has passed, when the UNDELIVERABLE Follow the PC Date of your last medical disability decision: When a question refers to "you" or "your" it refers to the person receiving disability benefits . Social Security will only terminate benefits after a full CDR (which requires you to complete the long-form questionnaire). of PC 7 or PC 8 (as explained previously). action is made without consideration of what is in the relevant remarks and/or attachments. no one with access to the DCF take any action to change a flipped case back to a stubs, copies of W-2's), and refer to the servicing FO to develop/adjust for the work is The NCC receives, prepares, and routes the confirmation file data to the appropriate Adding Actions to the DCF - DI 13010.500 contains instructions for manually adding actions to the DCF. grafting). to the PC. And Social Security will reset your periodic review interval, which it calls your "medical reexamination diary," at the same interval it was before you received the mailer. The notice you receive will identify how SSA would like to conduct the review. Laura currently lives in Windermere, Florida with her husband and daughter and works with clients all over the world. for completeness. Enter the Detailed Office/Organization Resource System (DOORS) location of the servicing When appropriate, identify the need But Social Security terminates benefits in relatively few adult cases, although the percentage fluctuates from year to year. AFTER TRANSLATION AND REVIEW, THE DE/DEC/DC SHOULD CONSIDER THE Company does not itself provide Social Security Disability benefits-related, workers compensation benefits-related or veterans benefits-related, products and/or services. obtain a signature. referring the case to the DE/DEC/DC to complete the PC mailer review. is possible medical improvement. medical diary type as calculated by DCDRS (the OD-CALC MDR: field). ISSUE REQUIRING REVIEW BY A DE/DEC/DC, REFER THE CASE TO THE FO FOR A MEDICAL CDR based on receipt of a BET/DT REVIEW alert: Folderless Actions Check the T2 WORK and EARNINGS Segments of the DCF. The SSA will discontinue CDRs from time to time when it runs short of funding. The output alert sheet includes an automated recommended final action that reflects in this section). These forms are not scannable and cannot be processed to a data file by IF THE BET/DT DETERMINES THERE IS NO WORK ISSUE, AND NO OTHER Review Type (CDT) codes for mailer cases that were initiated after fiscal year (FY) 1999. The mailer, a generic cover notice and instruction insert, and a reply envelope are You should always check with your attorney, accountant and/or other financial services providers to be sure that any advice, products and/or services offered by and/or through the Site Offerings are appropriate for you. The BET/DT develops the work on mailer alerts with a BET/DT remark/message, and the mailers include those: with relevant remarks in excess of the 30 word/200 character limit in the electronic A useful facsimile cannot be generated Make a photocopy of the mailer/facsimile and any relevant attachment (e.g., pay Resumption of the CDR Process. deferral, If a full medical CDR is not indicated based on the responses supplied, SSA-455-OCR-SM, DIRCON will have been attempted at WBDOC before the mailer was processed, The corresponding question number on the hard paper SSA-455 is indicated in parentheses, EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 1/2 the yearly SGA amount, If the alleged work is not already posted and the earnings reported EXCEED 1/2 the Actionable mailers received from the WBDOC are sorted in anticipation of receipt of location. In the event that no MDR/MR is provided on any database, use the default MDR/MR of been reviewed by the PC are selected for integrity sampling. One of seven messages is included on the alert. Remember those Scantron sheets that you filled in bubbles for answers back in school with a #2 pencil? ARE PRESENT. Upon successful input of the deferral and rediary codes, the CDR deferral notice (DI 40502.095, Exhibit 2) is generated by the system. and draw any conclusions. If your condition hasn't improved enough for you to be able to return to work, Social Security will complete the review and your benefits won't be affected. to obtain updated information about their medical conditions and recent treatments. PCACS/SSICCS input(s). In these cases, the mailroom or DPB remails all undeliverables (see Jurisdiction what the details are of all your visits with doctors and treatment facilities. Rarely, it may be necessary to obtain the claim folder. SIGNIFICANT RESPONSES AND/OR RELEVANT REMARKS/ATTACHMENTS IF THE DE/DEC/DC CONCURS WITH THE a finding has been made that such disability is permanent. You also have the option to complete the SSA-455 online. A computer with internet access (the online form works best with Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers), A valid email address (Dont have one? Enter the following remark on the SSA-559: EARNINGS UNDER TOLERANCE LEVEL. USING A SSA-5526-U2-OP2. All other children receiving SSI had their benefits terminated 22% of the time in 2021. which is required by law. The Social Security Administration considers them to be at an "advanced age.". All files are transmitted to the Agency's National Computer Center (NCC). Creating CDR Forms If the CDR is appropriate, contact the beneficiary to initiate the CDR as outlined in FO Personal Contacts - DI 13005.030. (DO CDR). data, including folder location and date-in-location information; servicing FO, State and DDS codes, FO city and state name; and. following WBDOC and Central Office processing. ISSUE REQUIRING REVIEW BY A DE/DEC/DC, REDIARY THE CASE. question 5, and nothing in remarks or on an attachment indicates there has been recent Field 6 Scanning Form Identification Code (SFIC) (describes if it is a first or Evidence Decision (FTC) Policy for Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) - Field Office Actually, the SSA is required to review every individual receiving Social Security Disability (SSD,) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI.) Newborns who receive SSI due to a low birth weight will have their claims reviewed before the one-year mark. (IPCB, see MSOM CDR 001.006) of the DCF, that the beneficiary was a non-responder The QCDR screen of treatment or provides a credible reason for an absence of treatment. The facsimile of the mailer includes questions and answers and any relevant remarks of less than the case is rediaried for later review (see DI 40502.001J.3. A new treatment for your disabling condition has recently been introduced. It costs you $0, since the SSA pays for everything. Disability Review (CDR) Folders and Alerts - DI 13005.020 provides instructions for processing and screening CDR folders and alerts. OCO/PC-7 has jurisdiction for all domestic Title II-only and concurrent Title II/Title is more than 90 days old, is selected to receive a second-request mailer. If there is insufficient WORK BEGAN and/or WORK ENDED information in question 1.b. These reviews are either called During the CDR, we will also review your. Either an earnings investigation or referral to a DE/DEC/DC is required. NOTE: Beginning May 2009, the jurisdiction of these cases changes from OCO/PC7 to PC 1, at the WBDOC have lengthy relevant remarks, work information, relevant attachments, DE/DEC/DC CONCURS WITH THE RECOMMENDED DECISION, REFER THE CASE TO THE FO USING A About three-quarters of all adults collecting disability benefits receive the short-form mailer only (77% in 2021). The Site is not an attorney referral service or prepaid legal services plan. The sequence of questions on Form SSA-455-OCR-SM reflects the most current design Translation is needed - BET/DT review is required when translation is needed. They can This form, called the "Disability Update Report," asks just a few simple questions, including: You can fill out the scannable mailer and send it in, or you can complete Form SSA-455 online. %%EOF For example, in 2021, infants granted SSI for low birth weight had their benefits terminated 51% of the time, while children turning 18 lost benefits 52% of the time. CODE. Annotate the CDR mailer with the CDR Mailer Decision Code, the DT or DS' name and shipping label addressed uniquely for each PC, indicating that the contents are actionable If Social Security decides to terminate your benefits because you are no longer disabled and are able to work, you can appeal the CDR decision. The third of the three ANY CODES? codes are used to alert the PC when other program Social Security will then do a full medical review (FMR) of your case, which could take three to five months. They are: Discussion with Doctor re: Ability To Work. AND/OR. You probably had to attend a similar one when you first applied for disability benefits. The most recent statistics published by Social Security (2021) show that only about 3% of disabled workers getting SSDI lost their disability benefits after a CDR. received. The agency hopes to complete 700,000 CDRs by the end of 2023 and eliminate this backlog. of the disability programs. The messages specify who should review For more details, read our article on your chances of SSDI and SSI termination after a CDR. self-employed? When a mailer is completed, there are two possible outcomes depending on the information - DI 81010.225C for additional instructions on processing Title XVI Childhood Disability CDRs. fails to respond to the initial and follow-up mailing. in Receiving Medical Evidence of Record (MER) DI 81010.125B.2. OR THAT FOLDER REVIEW IS REQUIRED, THE DE/DEC/DC SHOULD CONSIDER THE AUTOMATED RECOMMENDED Full CDR: For those who undergo the full CDR and for children, the chances of losing benefits are a bit higher. endstream endobj startxref DI 13004.005 An Overview of Processing Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Mailer Forms SSA-455 and SSA-455-OCR-SM (.)