The voice includes himself among those who claim God as our God. Man alone is to blame who has misapplied it. The battle joined. This description of the warrior Christ comes from two Old Testament passages put side by side. That city will be a constant remembrancer of those who went before restored Israel here below, as undoubtedly it will be used for their blessing during the millennium, but not for theirs only. What a solemn and weighty fact in the government of God! The meaning is no more than this, that in the great battle of Armageddon, which was for the destruction of all the remainder of the enemies of the church, whether papists, or atheists, or Turks; men of all sorts and orders should be slain, and their dead bodies made meat for the fowls of heaven . He has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand ( Revelation 19:2 ). Men are not regarded as composing this tabernacle; they co-exist. The voice that comes from the throne is most likely to be understood as the voice of one of the cherubim. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). Revelation 19:4 "And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down the Lord Jesus Christ are the bride of Christ, whether they are male or female. Revelation 2. History is actually "His story." You can trust in this. I have already touched on the double force of the symbol mountains. I am not aware of any MS. in its favour, though some versions represent it. This it is precisely which will bring out the indignant judgment of God upon the last phase of Babylon, so that the guilt of all the blood shed on the earth shall be imputed to her, and she may be judged accordingly. I expect to be there in that heavenly scene declaring, "Alleluia, salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God.". The common notion, therefore, that the coming of the Lord is at this point is an evident fallacy upon the face of this scripture that describes it, not to speak of others elsewhere. New American Standard Version So, The final supper will signify the end of the "WHITE" is a symbol throughout the book of Revelation for PURITY and VICTORY. hromphaia) symbolized (cf. God will judge Israel, namely, Jews living when He returns (Ezekiel 20:33-38), and the Gentiles living then (Matthew 25:31-46). He had a great desire to bring his brothers, Egyptian brothers to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. When you couple that with "Lord", which means (John 17:18). That is what prophecy is about. Of course they will be preserved through that crisis in some sort of way suitable to divine wisdom. Why then is the book of life mentioned? And it is the various ways by which men are attempting to reach God. This is in total contrast to the harlot Babylon. They have the capacity to stand in the sun. (iii) It may be that the name is one which can be revealed only at the final union of Christ and the Church. Gratitude, reverence, trust--these are the constituent elements of real praise. Here we find the term "Alleluia" used really for the first in the New Testament and it is used four times here. We had Babylon with a spuriously ecclesiastical but a really murderous character, and at the same time guilty of corruption with the kings of the earth. (i) In certain circles of Judaism the angels had a very large place. There is no doubt that Rome in some form is the woman described in the chapter: the seven heads or hills clearly point to that city, which of all cities might best and indeed alone be known as ruling over the kings of the earth. "All three of the figures in this verse are representations of the word of Christ, by which he executes with indisputable authority the judgment of God. He knows ( Revelation 18:20). I am a servant of God just like you are. They lived, and were put therefore into a place and condition suitable for reigning with Christ, no less than the Old Testament saints and the church itself. So we find the Lord has room for all that is the fruit of His own grace only, for the appeal of grace, even when there is not the answer to it. Never worry about the righteousness of God's judgments. It seems clear that the name is visible to all, and, therefore, probably the likeliest solution is that it was written on the skirt of the warrior Christ's robe, lying over his thigh, as he rode upon the white horse. In short, it would seem that God has hedged round His own draft of Babylon so as to make it quite plain that Rome, city and system, figures in the scene; and this too necessarily involving a medieval description, though the full result will not be till the end of the age; for she rides the beast or empire characterized so as naturally to involve the past barbarian irruption and the resulting ten-kingdomed state. Revelation 19:3 "And again they said, Alleluia. Pilate said, "I find no fault in Him. Here we have described to us the visions of The Conquering Christ (19:11-16), the judgments of the beast and of the false prophet and of Satan (19:17-20:10), the judgment of the wicked (20:11-15), the visions of the New heaven, the New earth and the New Jerusalem (20:16-22;5). The great harlot is judged because she corrupted the world. When the second beast appeared, he even strove to put to death those who would not worship the beast, nor pay homage to his image, nor receive his mark. It was but an imperfect view they got even of justification; a far scantier perception, if they could be said to have had any, about Christ's Headship of the church, His priesthood, or almost anything else. The chief difference is that in man's case it is God who raises him, whereas in the empire's not God but the devil will raise it again. That is what history is about. It is the place that Jesus said God prepared for Satan and his angels. This name used here, pertaining to our Lord, is a very strange one. Like when this guy was breaking up with his girl, he said, "Can I have one final kiss?" But when the conquering Christ comes, his power will be exercised in justice. In any real marriage there must be four things which must also be in the relationship between the Christian and Christ. Those that do rise at the same time rise, no doubt, in a moment; but that there are to be various acts of resurrection is not only not contrary to scripture, but required by its own descriptions. article . (ii) It can equally mean the witness which Jesus Christ gives to men. Only the Son of God can understand the mystery of his own being. Then entire sorry results of human depravity will finally be vanquished. "Upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth.". Paul, the apostle said as he was recounting to the Philippians his past credits as a Jew, "Hebrew of the Hebrews, circumcised the seventh day, the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee, concerning zeal persecuting the church", but he said, "Those things that were gain to me", those credits that I had, those brownie points, "I counted loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, for whom I suffer the loss of all things and count them but refuse that I may know Him and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which was of the Law", circumcised seventh, eighth day and so forth, not having that righteousness which was of the law, "but now having the righteousness which was of Christ through faith" ( Philippians 3:5-9 ). as the Complut. Where Hallelujah occurs in the Old Testament it is translated by Praise God, but here in this chapter the original Hebrew form, transliterated into Greek, is retained. At the same time you will mark that these are not said to be executors of judgment as Christ is. Then the angel quickly tells John not to worship him. His secret name indicates his unique authority (11-12). . And because of this there is great rejoicing in heaven. It is by his word that God created the earth and the heavens and everything in them. No hint whatever is given that they constitute the city, but there is the inscription of their names outside. Here is the idea in Hebrews 4:12: "The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.". Here is most likely the multitude of the angels, first in the Te Deum of praise. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready ( Revelation 19:7 ). It is necessary that we should all bear in mind, if we have not observed it before, thatRevelation 17:1-18; Revelation 17:1-18 does not pursue the chronological course of the prophecy. That is, it is simply an expression of the homage that they pay. The word "rule" is "to shepherd" them, and the rod of iron is the club the shepherd used to fend off the wolves, bears, lions, etc. The beast is the expression of the will of man setting itself up in direct antagonism to God. And it was so. Rabbi, Jehudah, actually gave the odd instruction that men ought not to pray in Aramaic because the angels did not understand Aramaic! I speak not of anything that might be deemed exceptional or peculiar, but of two acts of raising saints. Testament (compare Psalms 104:35; 105:45; 106:1; 111:1; 112:1; 113:1; 117:1; and the fullness of the Gentiles will be brought in. These both [the two of them, the antichrist and his false prophet] were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone ( Revelation 19:20 ). The true reading here is neither hard nor doubtful save to unbelief. (i) It can mean the witness which the Christian bears to Jesus Christ. That is something that God will never have to do, apologize. With that love of freedom which they carried from their German forests, they would not allow the one iron rule of the ancient empire to subsist longer, but set up each their own kingdom in the different fragments of the dismembered empire. This section bridges the Tribulation and the millennial kingdom. Take notice of this (which confirms the application just now contended for), that when John saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, he wondered with great wonder. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.". And I fell down before his feet to worship him; and he said to me: "See that you do not do this. "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away." Revelation 19:10 "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And a voice came forth from the throne. The angels are never "called," although they may be "chosen;" and though termed holy, I do not recollect that they are ever spoken of as "faithful." And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword ( Revelation 19:15 ). . The bride breathes out this word to the bridegroom; and the Holy Ghost it is that gives strength to her desire that He should come. . Who will join in acclamations of praise, and partly on account of their The Gothic hordes were not yet incorporated with the empire, still less were they horns of the beast, nor did they give their power to it, but destroyed it rather. to Top From generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever" ( Isaiah 34:9-10). The book of life will confirm what is gathered from the books. In the . . "These have one mind, and give their own power and authority to the beast," or their imperial leader. in the Bible, "her" does not mean just women, it is the bride. "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book." Antichrist and his henchmen are cast into the lake of fire; and all their supporters are slain, to await in Sheol the final judgment. Of course the application to the Roman empire would be immediately in the mind of any Christian at Rome. The actual picture comes from Isaiah: "The streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Here I am obliged to say that our authorized version, and not merely it, but our common Greek Testaments, are altogether wrong. Babylon is the parent of the "abominations of the earth." God loves you and receives you just as you are on the basis of His grace, love and mercy. The millennial nations, "the number of whom is as the sand of the sea," fall a prey to Satan. It is not the gospel, nor the Holy Spirit, but the lawless revived Latin empire with its vassal kingdoms of the west, that combine and destroy Babylon. We have already come upon two vast multitudes in heaven, the martyrs in Revelation 7:9 and the angels in Revelation 5:11. You just have to come on the basis of God's grace and love for you and cast yourself upon His mercy, but that God is merciful. Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword Revelation 1:16; Revelation 1:16. church. You see, all of the fineries But "nations of them which are saved," is a most anomalous expression, and betrays man as the author of it. Sometimes, again, they have sought to turn it aside toward Jerusalem in her corrupt state. If you The four living creatures, respectively like a lion, an ox, a man and an eagle, stand for two things, for all that is bravest, strongest, wisest and swiftest in nature--and for the cherubim. Apart from his return to purge his creation of evil, redemption remains forever incomplete." and in righteousness he doth judge and make war ( Revelation 19:11 ). Verse 3. It is to be supposed that it will far exceed anything yet seen on the face of the earth. This city is seen now as the holy vessel of divine power for governing the earth during the millennium, "having the glory of God: and her brightness was like a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.". Read the verses thoughtfully. ], "Those who believe in the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ must also look for his return." He spoke it into existence. Zechariah 14:18, but nowhere else with a sword. But then while there is such a call to Christ, while the believer is not to be afraid, but to call on the Lord to come, the church does not forget those that are poor sinners, let them be deeply conscious of it, or let them be those that are only made willing by the grace of God (which is the feeblest expression of the sinner's need, just as you have the feeblest expression of the saint in the previous call). ceremony); (3) ceremony. Choose a verse from 'Revelation 1' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on . The Complutensian edition, and all the Oriental versions, with the Vulture Latin, read, "a sharp twoedged sword". worship before the angel (compare 1:17; 22:8). The fine linen, clean and When Christ at God's right hand was announced, even from the very beginning, He was ready to judge the quick and the dead. He guards his people, allowing the wicked to exercise their power only within the limits that he has set according to his eternal plan. Second, he says: "Let us rejoice and exult." To whom else could they say it? The surest way to have our deliverances continued and completed is to give God the glory of what he has done for us. Christianity teaches that God is reaching down to man; exactly the opposite of religious thoughts, man trying to reach God. There. 14:15-24). These are the faithful. This does not intimate we have seen that there is only one act of raising, but that all who share that resurrection, whenever raised, are raised before the millennium begins; so that when the reign of Christ takes place, all such have part in the first resurrection, including Christ Himself, raised at least 1800 years before the church; then the church, with the Old Testament saints; then these Apocalyptic saints at any rate some years after. It will be a state of nature unexampled for the fruits of the earth and the enjoyment of all that God has made here below. Second Edition, Revised - 1871 The white linen represents the good deeds of God's dedicated people; that is to say, it is character which forms the robe which arrays the Bride of Christ. The word of God, said Jeremiah, is like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces ( Jeremiah 23:29). It is a picture of final judgment. on the other, she had, when she could, gone on increasing in both, until at last the blow of divine judgment came. They feel Revelation relates to the battle between God and evil and between the church and the world at all times in church history. only place in the Bible where the word "omnipotent" occurs. The iron rod is showing his ability to protect them. "Flesh and blood," we know, "cannot inherit the kingdom of God." We know that if He tarries, it is not that He is "slack concerning His promise," but that "His long-suffering brings salvation to many." It is not therefore his final judgment. Here, on the other hand, is something which is valid for all time. He gets his power and they get theirs for one and the same time. There will be here upon the earth millions of people who have gathered together to war against Him at His coming. Still God does not forget His ways with His people; and the angels here are only in the quality of porters, if we may so speak; they are at the gates. "Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him: for the ___________ of the _______ is come". Do it not (compare 22:8-9). Verse 2. We must perforce therefore look for a still more complete development before the Lamb judges the beast after the ten horns along with it shall have destroyed Babylon. Then, when the Lamb and His purchase by blood are celebrated in heaven, the four living creatures join the elders, though each is distinct. 22:2-14; John 3:29; 2 Cor. Lord God: Used many times in Revelation as a title for God (compare verse 15, All redeemed are told to praise God. After the destruction of Babylon religious and commercial, chapter seventeen and eighteen. And of course all of our finest scientific equipment could not locate such a thing there in the heart of the earth. But all this will be a great reversal of man's history and political maxims. "And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. There is nothing like the joy of loving and of being loved. This is of great importance. "So he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness" a thorough waste as to the knowledge or enjoyment of God. It would be a constant fall. engagement. Then the prophet falls down to pay homage to the angel; and this gives rise to a weighty admonition. It is a description, not of Babylon's relation to the beast, but of the city's fall, with certain dirges put into the mouth of the different classes that groan because of her extinction here below. 11:25-27). Man converted will then not merely reach the natural term if I may so say of a thousand years, but pass that bound. If the books proclaim the evil works of the dead that stand before the throne, the book of life offers no defence on the score of God's grace. 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 Commentary. On the head of the victor Christ there are many crowns to show that he is lord of all the kingdoms of the earth. ", This chapter is one of the most dramatic in all the Bible. the Bride of Christ, is the guest of honor at the marriage of the Lamb in heaven 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. | After so long a tarrying how blessed! This brings in idolatry, real shameless idolatry too, not merely that subtle working of the idolatrous spirit that every Christian has to guard against. What did the "avenging the blood" probably mean? In one sense it would be an eighth, and in another sense it would be of the seven; the eighth perhaps because of its extraordinary resurrection character, yet one of the seven because it is outwardly old imperialism again. What is there to hinder it? Verse 1. Before God we have that which is found only by and in Christ, which is another and a higher character altogether as compared with the righteousnesses of the saints. In short, no testimony can avail, no work, power, or glory without the word of God applied by the Spirit of God. In Asia Minor even the tribunal of the proconsul was subject to bribery and to maladministration. This, was no lack. One of our pastors, Imad, spent some time in the Egyptian jail. The Book of Revelation: Verse by Verse Commentary By Robert Clifton Robinson on September 16, 2020 ( 2 ) The Book of Revelation is the most important book for this precise time in history. Hence we have to own the divine source of government even when its holders abandon all such thoughts themselves, and maintain their rule in the world as a thing flowing from the people irrespective of God. As long as Rome was pagan, there was neither the full bearing of the seven heads, nor did so much as one of the ten horns exist. When the beast dares to fight with the Lamb He shall overcome the beast; and they that are with Him, "called and chosen and faithful" terms, as a whole, entirely inapplicable to the angels. "Whoever comes to me I will in no wise cast out" ( John 6:37 ). to say enough about what Jesus has purchased for us all. Who are the persons thus invested with judicial authority of so glorious a nature and to reign, as we see later, with Christ? It was not uncommon for a monarch to wear more than one crown in order to show that he was the king of more than one country. It is not a syllogism that is wanted or that can satisfy here: only require, only believe, the word of God. It is not his own blood, but the blood of his enemies that he tramples as he tramples out the rebellious. T. S. Kepler comments: "The moral law can no more be broken than the law of gravity; it can only be illustrated." Verse 1 of the Revelation already shows God's intention: ".to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass". (John 5:24 compared with Romans 14:1-23 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-21.). 12:10; I say not on but over the earth. "Owr hayah owr hayah", "Light be and light was". This is the meaning of "one hour with the beast.". Thus the only use that seems made of the book is negative and exclusive. The application to old pagan Rome is harsh and purposeless enough; but the attempt to refer it to Jerusalem is of all schemes the most absurd; for, far from being borne up by the imperial power, Jerusalem was trodden down by it. Nothing more is to be done. for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication ( Revelation 19:2 ). And what shall we say of the wonderful wisdom of the Lord? avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.". Any other intermediary than Jesus Christ between God and man must be utterly opposed. And thus it was but a little glimpse they had of prophecy. What is the "righteousness of the saints" that they are clothed with? Hallelujah is a very common word in religious vocabulary but the only time it actually appears in Scripture is on the four occasions in this chapter. His armour; and that is a vesture dipped in blood, either his own blood, by which he purchased this mediatorial power, or the blood of his enemies, over whom he has always prevailed. great affection and vehemence of spirit, which will be raised hereby. The return of Christ to earth 19:11-16. Here were thrones, and people sat upon them, changed 'before this into the image of Christ's glory. - Wallace. Let us rise up to serve The King of kings. He has saved us! The particulars are reserved for a later point in this prophecy. This disposes of many a web of comments; for we find at once what is perfectly simple, what any child of God who believes this to be the word of God must own. The marriage feast will take place on earth following Christ's return with the It is very evident, therefore, that the saints in a glorified state are here represented as following the Lord out of heaven. How did He create it? The outer court represents the control of Jerusalem and Israel by Gentiles during the last half of the Tribulation period. They begin to admire the instrument. The decem-regal division of the broken empire in the West, as all know, was long after Rome had ceased to be heathen. It is partly because of this that many excellent men have endeavoured to apply the vision to Romanism; and I admit that there is found a measure of analogy. See note at Revelation 1:16 and note; Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:16. goes . Judgment is the inescapable consequence of sin. And the LAST WORDS (22:6-21). into the Holy of Holies, he wore pure white linen. The word of God, Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17 Indicates the power of Gods words, cf. R. H. Charles finely says that the marriage symbolism "denotes the intimate and indissoluble communion of Christ with the community which he has purchased with his own blood" a communion which is "first reached in fulness by the host of the martyrs.". There is one other reason for the rejoicing. And her smoke rose up for ever William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Revelation 19:11. This would have been altogether inappropriate for such a progress: when the King comes forth riding to victory in the judgment of wicked men of the world, it is not in the quality of bride, but of armies or hosts, that the saints follow Him; and these include no doubt the guests as well, i.e., all the glorified take their place in His train. Revelation. "Faithful" is what belongs to a man. H. B. Swete says that this comprehensive phrase embraces "Christians of all intellectual capacities and social grades, and of all stages of progress in the life of Christ." Verse 11. After that we have the admonitions to the end of this book. John saw heaven opened and a RIDER UPON A WHITE HORSE verse 11. Second was the presentation which was a time of festivities just before the I find no fault in Him" ( Luke 23:14 ). There was never a time in history in which such forces were drawn up against the Church as when the Revelation was written. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-10273872-1']); The account given of Babylon inRevelation 17:1-18; Revelation 17:1-18 does not follow Revelation 14:1-20 or Revelation 16:1-21 in point of prophetic time, but differs from them in structure. The great city was either guilty Jerusalem or Babylon. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God ( Revelation 19:9 ). In Wisdom there is a description of the plagues in Egypt, and in particular of the slaying of the first-born sons of the Egyptians: "Thine Almighty Word leaped down from heaven out of thy royal throne, as a fierce man of war, into the midst of a land of destruction, and brought thine unfeigned commandment as a sharp sword, and standing up filled all things with death; and it touched the heaven, but it stood upon the earth" ( Wis_18:15-16 ). 21:1-2). smite the nations . With this we may compare Jesus' words at his arrest, when he said he could have had twelve legions of angels to fight for him ( Matthew 26:53). V. An invitation given to the fowls of heaven, that they should come and see the battle, and share in the spoil and pillage of the field (Revelation 19:17; Revelation 19:18), intimating that this great decisive engagement should leave the enemies of the church a feast for the birds of prey, and that all the world should have cause to rejoice in the issue of it.