1. WebMarcomir de FRANCIE, Roi de Cologne , De Cologne Married to Hildegonde ou Aldegonde de LOMBARDIE , Des Francs. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. http://www.american-pictures.com/genealogy/persons/per02347.htm#0. of the FRANKS ; Ildegond of the LOMBARDS ; daughter of Frotmund the GRAIL-KING Request permission to copy data or at least inform the author, chances are that the author gives permission, often the contact also leads to more exchange of data. 370 Died: abt. Request permission to copy data or at least inform the author, chances are that the author gives permission, often the contact also leads to more exchange of data. Die Rmer wurden von den Offizieren Nanninus und Quintinus kommandiert. However, modern scholars, such as Edward James, do not accept this account in the Liber Historiae Francorum as historical, because Marcomer is called the son of the Trojan king Priam. Immediate Family: Daughter of Himbald, King of the Franks and Hodesh. He died in 298. They reportedly also led the Chatti and the Ampsivarii. The partly clouded was. A genealogical internet service provided by Coret Genealogy. He died in 272. This source does not relate whether Marcomer succeeded, but from other later sources that recall the account of Liber Historiae Francorum, the impression may be gained that Pharamond was regarded as the first king of the Franks. Wife of Chlodio IV., they gave birth to 1 child., they gave birth to 1 child. (Cobb translation). Hildegonde / Ildegond di Lombardia 375- 479. WebKing Marcomir of the Franks III was born in 0220, in Gaul, Roman Empire. This information is part of Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA by Tommy Fox on Genealogy Online. Marcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks347-425. January 3 Baikal Airlines Flight 130 crashes near Irkutsk, Russia, resulting in 125 deaths. Immediate Family: Daughter of Himbald, King of the Franks and Hodesh. offenbar den Frieden anbot. With Quick Search you can search by name, first name followed by a last name. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. He encountered no opposition. Do not use this data until you have checked it, preferably at the source (the archives). 1) " En ce temps les francs qui avaient pour ducs Gnobaud, Marcomir et Sunnon firent irruption dans la Germanie et lorsqu'ils eurent envahi la frontire, bien des mortels furent massacrs ; ils dvastrent les pays les plus fertiles et jetrent aussi la panique Cologne. Another difficulty with this account is that earlier sources such as Gregory of Tours make it crystal clear that a century after Marcomer there were still many Frankish kings, ruling over portions or separate tribes - indeed, it has been proposed that the word "ruler" may be more appropriate than "king", as there was at that time no one ruler over all the Frankish people. Brother of Albofledis . Marcomir (Marchomir) der Oost-Franken was born in 347, in Sachsen, Deutschland, to Clodius I der Oost-Franken and Blesinde der Oost-Franken (born der Sueben). A few days afterwards, a hurried conference was held with Marcomer and Sunno, petty kings (regales) of the Franks; hostages were demanded as usual and Arbogast retired to winter quarters at Trier." Geni requires JavaScript! Der Hintergrund stellte vielleicht der Abzug mehrerer rmischer Truppenteile vom Rhein auf Befehl des Usurpators Magnus Maximus dar, der damals in Gallien regierte. You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. Il fit de nombreuses incursions dans la province romaine de Germanie et notamment Cologne dans les annes 380-390. circa 350. After this engagement Quintinus crossed the Rhine to punish the Franks in their own country, however his army was surrounded and beaten. Marcomir IV der Franken was born in October 347, in Sachsen (Duitsland), to Chlodio IV Koning der Franken der Franken and Blesinde der Franken (born van Suevi (van Alemani)). Nanninus and Quintinus were replaced by Charietto and Syrus, who were again confronted by an attack of unindentified Franks. Die Darstellung des Sulpicius ist uns jedoch nur in Form eines lngeren Exzerpts im Geschichtswerk des Gregor von Tours erhalten, welches aber wertvolle Informationen enthlt.[2]. of the FRANKS ; Ildegond of the LOMBARDS ; daughter of Frotmund the GRAIL-KING Note: Author: Dooghe, Didier-GeorgesNote: Publication: Lille, France: Private Edition Note: Page: p. 19, Marcomer war ein frnkischer Heerfhrer im spten 4. McKitterick, Rosamond. Blesinda was born circa 330, in Some Roman soldiers drowned in the marshes, others were killed by Franks, few made it back to their Empire. Marcomir married Hildegonde Blesinde der Franken (born van Lombardije). To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser Mother of Marcomir II, King of the Franks and Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious). Aus Sicht der modernen Forschung sind die dort erwhnten Bezeichnungen wie dux, regalis oder rex nicht gleichzusetzen mit den spteren Bedeutungen. A genealogical internet service provided by Coret Genealogy. WebMarcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne Attention : This site does not support the current version of your web browser. Some Roman soldiers drowned in the marshes, others were killed by Franks; few made it back to the Empire. WebMarcomir I (VI; V; Duke) of EAST FRANKS King of COLOGNE Born: abt. WebWhen Marcomir I Knig der Ostfranken was born in April 0347, in Cologne Region, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, his father, Clodius IV of the Franks, was 23 and his mother, Blsinde d' Almanie de Cologne, was 19. {{ mediasCtrl.getTitle(media, true) }} According to the later Liber Historiae Francorum, Marcomer was a descendant of the Trojans and a son of a king called Priam. As first king of the Franks, Pharamond was also associated with establishing the Salic law, as noted, for example in the Gesta Francorum (c.1100), chapter 8. Birthplace: France. Death: 437 (30-39) Cologne, Koln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Marcomer was seen as leader with Chatti and Ampsivarii but the two did not engage. WebWhen Marcomir I Knig der Ostfranken was born in April 0347, in Cologne Region, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, his father, Clodius IV of the Franks, was 23 and his mother, Blsinde d' Almanie de Cologne, was 19. According to this account Marcomer, Sunno and Genobaud invaded the Roman provinces Germania and Belgia in Gaul. Marcomir Duke of East Franks was born about 347 in Germany. Genealogical publications are copyright protected. Genealogical publications are copyright protected. WebAs first king of the Franks, Pharamond was also associated with establishing the Salic law, as noted, for example in the Gesta Francorum (c.1100), chapter 8. Photos and Memories (1) Do you know Marcomir? Copyright protected work may not simply be copied or republished. Frotmund was born in Old, Sachsen, Germany. 370 Died: abt. Quintinus stie mit den restlichen Truppen auf frnkisches Gebiet vor und zerstrte einige verstreute Hfe, wurde dann aber von den Franken in eine Falle gelockt; wahrscheinlich war auch Marcomer daran beteiligt. . You can enter text in lowercase or uppercase. Gregory of Tours mentions him in his Historia Francorum, together with dukes Genobaud and Sunno. Cette gnalogie, crite plus de 330 ans aprs les faits, est reconnue par les historiens contemporains comme fabuleuse. Geneanet. Half brother of Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne; Albofledis . WebMarcomir I (VI; V; Duke) of EAST FRANKS King of COLOGNE Born: abt. ; Pharamond was King of Westphalia, and is considered the first king of the Salian Franks after the departure of the Romans from Gaul. Later we hear from the poet Claudian that Marcomer was captured by Romans and exiled to a villa in Tuscany. They were the parents of Clodius Long Hair, King of the Franks. He was born about 370, and he married Argotta, daughter of Genebald, Duke of East Franks. Arbogast, pursuing the Frankish petty kings Sunno and Marcomer with a kind of family (gentilis) hatred, came to Cologne in the depths of winter, knowing that all the retreats of Francia could be penetrated and burned now that the leaves had fallen and the bare woods could no longer conceal ambushes. He was married to Aldegonde Lombardy, they gave birth to 1 child. They had 2 children: Pharamond Der Merovingen and Hilgonde Hildegonde van keulen. The more characters you enter the more specific the results. WebAs first king of the Franks, Pharamond was also associated with establishing the Salic law, as noted, for example in the Gesta Francorum (c.1100), chapter 8. Pretty much everything that far back is a tangled web of guesswork, wishful thinking, and mythmaking. ; Traditionally Marcomer is also known as Marcomir VI, a descendent of King Priam Podarces of Troy by Priam's son Helenus from whom the Kings of Cimmerian Bosporus descend. They were the parents of Clodius Long Hair, King of the Franks. [3], Fr die Verfassung der frhen Franken ist das Exzerpt aus dem Werk des Sulpicius Alexander von groem Wert. Austrasien var ett frankiskt kungarike under merovingerna, frn 500-talet till 700-talet. Marcomir, roi des Francs: Birthdate: estimated between 355 and 411 : Death: 423 Immediate Family: Son of Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne and Hatilde de Francie Husband of Argotta de France Brother of Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious) Half brother of Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne; Albofledis . HRE Ferdinand I's 33-Great Uncle. Um 396 (jedenfalls nach dem Tod des Kaisers Theodosius I.) Marcomer (Marcomeres, Marchomer, Marchomir) was a Frankish leader (dux) in the late 4th century who invaded the Roman Empire in the year 388, when the usurper and leader of the whole of Roman Gaul, Magnus Maximus was surrounded in Aquileia by Theodosius I. (1) He is married to Princess Ildegonde d'Lombardy. When Sicambria was destroyed by the Goths, the Franks reverted to their tribal ways. Agnes Harris's 41-Great Uncle. WebMarcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks was born April 347 in Cologne, North Rhine, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius King of the East Franks and Frotmund Desposyni de Frimutel. You can enter text in lowercase or uppercase. Selon l'auteur du Liber Historiae Francorum, Marcomir serait le pre de Pharamond, qui serait lui-mme le pre du roi Clodion le Chevelu. He proposed that the Franks should live under one king and proposed his own son Pharamond (whose earliest mention is in this work, and who is considered mythological by scholars) for the kingship. Claudian, Loeb classical Library, On Stilicho's Consulship (translation Platnauer), van Klaveren in van Klaveren Web Site, managed by Iefje van Klaveren, Parents: Clodius I Der Oost-franken, Blesinde Der Oost-franken (geboren Van Duitsland), Wife: Hildegonde Blesinde Der Franken (geboren Van Lombardije). Die Franken stieen auf linksrheinisches Gebiet vor und verwsteten die Region um Kln, bevor sie mit reicher Beute abzogen. . of the FRANKS ; Ildegond of the LOMBARDS ; daughter of Frotmund the GRAIL-KING He had at least 1 son with Asinia Juliana Nicomacha de Rome. He was born between around 347 and around 370. WebMarcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks was born April 347 in Cologne, North Rhine, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius King of the East Franks and Frotmund Desposyni de Frimutel. Sign In or Create a FREE Account Family Time Line and Basine de Sajonia. They had one son: Faramund der West-Franken. . Only a few Ampsivarii and Chatti, under the command of Marcomer, appeared on the farthest ridges of the hills. Brother of Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious) Marcomir I Clodius der Franken was born in 347, to Clodius I der Oost-Franken and Blesinde der Oost-Franken (born van Duitsland). Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne, Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious), Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne. Husband of Winilinda . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. This information is part of Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA by Tommy Fox on Genealogy Online. Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne, Cleaning the lineages between FRANCUS and CHARLEMAGNE. Wives/Partners: Hatilde (?) Although data is often retrieved from public archives, the searching, interpreting, collecting, selecting and sorting of the data results in a unique product. Walter King of the Franks was born before 289. ?Also, this says that Marcomir IV, is also the same as Maromer I. Clovis I, according to Gregory of Tours, had several other rulers or kings killed in order to manipulate control and increase his territory, and through his machinations dethroned other leaders such as the Frankish counts of Trir, but even he was not the single Frankish king, for tribes as the Thuringii, Chamavi and Bructeri continued their own structures.