In verse 18 he prays that we will comprehend those great truths, which he summarizes in the phrase, the hope of His calling.. A second way to interpret it is that it refers to the inheritance that God has in His people. Job It is a powerful work, past, present, and future: Gods power was evident in their conversion, Gods power is evident in their endurance, and Gods power will be evident in their resurrection. We need to go back and read the manual carefully, asking God to give us His wisdom and understanding. 1 Thessalonians 2:12 (1Th 2:10-11) so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God Who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. Now I have resurrection power living on the inside B. 1 Peter 2:9+ But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR Gods OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 2 Kings 6:17 Then Elisha prayed and said, O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see. And the LORD opened the servants eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. But, as weve seen (1:13), believers have been sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise. Since Gods promises are as certain as He is faithful, the hope of our calling is not some vague, wishful thinking that everything will work out for our good. This is the same power God brought about in Christ. Personal / Possessive Pronoun - Genitive 2nd Person Plural. I hold not its silver and gold; In Ephesians 1:19 and Ephesians 6:10, ischus describes the strength of God bestowed upon believers. The only aim of the life is that the Son of God may be manifested, and all dictation to God vanishes. All rights reserved, Life Application Study Bible: New Living Translation, Wuest Word Studies - Eerdman Publishing Company, Complete Biblical Library - Incredible Resource, Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament. Moth and rust cannot consume, nor thieves break through to steal. Read Joshua 1:19 and then answer these questions: What were the circumstances of Joshuas call (vv. 4:16; Phil. It is a beautiful picture, the heart being regarded as having eyes looking out toward God and all of the spiritual blessings that have their source and supply in God's Beloved Son. It grows even taller when he prays that we would know the glory of Gods inheritance in the saints. It is power to overcome what stands in the way. Ephesians 1:19 is a power packed passage with 4 Greek synonyms for power that give a great glimpse of the God's manifold power, especially His resurrection power (cf Ro 1:4+). Incorruptible! He does not ask God to give them what they do not have, but rather prays that God will reveal to them what they already have. (Phillips: Touchstone), Wuest: and what is the superabounding greatness of His inherent power to us who are believing ones as measured by the operative energy of the manifested strength of His might, (Eerdmans Publishing- usedby permission). This same truth is found in the first epistle of Peter where we read that believers are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1Pe 2:9+). The church, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, is similarly called: You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10). Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, our need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey, Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, 2002 Edition, Ephesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Ephesians 1:15-23 Possessing the Possessions in Christ, The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian, Brown, Colin, Editor. NIDNTT says that in classical Greek the root word "kleros is derived from klao, break. Here is the reason why God is so little to us. Someone has so well said, "God was not satisfied in possessing suns and stars; He wanted sons and saints." |, What is the power of the Holy Spirit? For less than $5/mo. Aristotle (Rhet., i., 5) says strength (ischus)is the power of moving another as one wills; and that other is to be moved either by drawing or pushing or carrying or pressing or compressing; so that the strong (ho ischuros) is strong for all or for some of these things.. Greek: pephotismenous (RPPMPA) tous ophthalmous tes kardias [humon] eis to eidenai (RAN) humas tis estin (PAI) e elpis tes kleseos autou, tis o ploutos tes doxes tes kleronomias autou en tois hagiois. It is a great truth that God does choose the inheritance for his people. There is no way for sinful men and women to find their way into Gods presence unless He reveals Himself and appears to us. She contacts a Christian organization that operates orphanages in Europe and learns they have an opening for a worker. 18:1; Rev. Listen to his arguments here. God never gives niggardly to His children but according to the (infinite) riches of His grace! When our hearts are set to obey the Lord, He confirms His call in a variety of ways: godly counsel, natural gifting, fruitful results, Scripture, and a sense of rightness that does not conflict with any of the other confirmations. (Revelation 5:12+), Vincent - The radical idea of ischus, might, is that of indwelling strength, especially as embodied: might which inheres in physical powers organized and working under individual direction, as an army: which appears in the resistance of physical organisms, as the earth, against which one dashes himself in vain: which dwells in persons or things, and gives them influence or value: which resides in laws or punishments to make them irresistible. 2:14+). 1:51; Acts 19:20; Eph. 34:8; 1Pe 2:3), smell (Phil. So what does he do? POWER FOR EVERY SAINT. Writing to the Thessalonians, Paul reminded them, Our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (1 Thess. So the kindred adjective . Paul is praying for the Ephesians to be able to supernaturally grasp the truths in Ephesians 1:3-14 where we see that saints are (1) chosen (Eph 1:4+), (2) predestined (Eph 1:5+,, Eph 1:11+), (3) adopted as sons (Eph 1:5+), (4) accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6+- see article Accepted in the Beloved), (5) redeemed through His blood (Ephesians 1:7+), (6) forgiven (Eph 1:7+), (7) sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ep 1:13+) and (8) given the earnest of our inheritance (Ep 1:14+). BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. 36.2; 59.3). Paul applies this truth that we are God's inheritance in his letter to the Corinthians writing Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? You have given us freedom, hallelujah. (Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians- online), Mal Couch - While this is Pauls great desire, that believers truly have a deep spiritual understanding about their relationship with the Lord, this is rarely achieved by the average Christian. The power of God that was wrought, by God in Christ works in me. . Part of that prayer is, I pray that . Colossians 1:5; 23 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel (1:23) if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister. Freedom, You have given us freedom Ephesians 3:19+and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. All the soldiers and the high priests could not keep the body of Christ in the tomb; Death himself could not hold Jesus in his bonds: even thus irresistible is the power put forth in the believer when he is raised to newness of life. Jesus was not teaching us that a little faith could accomplish great things. He told them they could do anything God wanted them to do through Christ who would strengthen them (Phil. It sounds vague and theoretical. ", Toward (1519) (eis) motion toward = marking that which any person or thing inclines toward (in this case genuine belief). Even more, we will be in the presence of the One who loved us and redeemed us with His blood. Extract each minute. CSB and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength. The power of God in our lives is the result of being Spirit filled and we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit. THOUGHT: When you open your Bible, ask the Author to open your heart! 8:3839). The present glories of the ascended Christ are glories possessed by a Man, and, that being so, they are available as evidences and measures of the power which works in believing souls. CD players dont have needles, he said, laughing. As we experience God's power in our own lives, we can encourage others. (Bible Knowledge Commentary), In another note Hoehner writes that "The word kleronomia occurred in Eph 1:14 and basically means property, possession, or inheritance. 15:13). No amount of worldly noise or manmade programming will make up for the sad lack of the Holy Spirit's presence. The next time we feel weak, we need to recall this passage to our mind (a present imperative command in Php 4:8-note), not in the sense of "mind over matter" but in the sense that this is what is true about us, a truth that we need to walk in by faith (2Cor 5:7, Col 2:6), even (especially) during those times we feel weak (cp 2Cor 12:9-10-note) or inadequate (2Cor 3:5-6-note, 1Cor 15:10-note). 29:1113). In this context dunamis refers to inherent power, found in and dispensed by God (cf Ro 1:16+= "the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation"). We have His "seal" on us, and more accurately within us in the presence of His Holy Spirit. . "Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. " You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. ", Philippians 1:6 says, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Our salvation from start to finish is due to the surpassing greatness of His power! He finally disembarked his troops from a lack of support at home. This thought is too great to fully comprehend in this life! 2. the rich inheritance that he possesses in them, and See related in depth study of the Believer's Blessed Hope. [Beloved, do you really believe that is true? 1 Peter 3:9not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. (Complete Biblical Library - Incredible Resource), ESV Study Bible Power over supernatural forces through magic and the occult was a great concern in ancient Ephesus (Acts 19:19), but the power of the living God in Christ trumps all competing authorities (Acts 19:20). Hosea Knowing that, we should live as His special people. Are you confused now? That yet I must not see; But there is a second reason why we need Gods power. 31:14. It is simply providing hope and certainty for the believer, who has assurance because of the power that raised Jesus from the dead. This simple discipline will serve to slow you down and allow you to more actively engage the text which facilitates more effective interaction with your Teacher the Spirit, the Author of the text! Jonah was called by God but refused to surrender to that call; instead, he ran the other way (Jonah 1:13). 2 Peter 2:11 (note) whereas angels who are greater in might and power do not bring a reviling judgment against them before the Lord. Prolonged from a primary kar; the heart, i.e. (6000 Plus Illustrations for Communicating Biblical Truths). How often he sent us terms of capitulation! So strong is the gravitation that holds us to earth, so dissipating our cares, so fickle our resolution, that nought but the Divine power and grace can lift us to the level of the Divine life. Setup File Name: Adobe_Premiere_Pro_v23.2..69.rar. Instead, it is powertowardus (Ephesians 1:19ESV, emphasis added). The "bad" news is that it doesn't have anything to do with money. It goes out to all sinners, but not all who hear it respond in faith. Our society has been enamored with the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, especially since the influx of Eastern thought into the West during the 1960s. I finally see what youre telling me, Lord!" Yes, we are, indeed, the conquered captives of his omnipotent love. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. (Eerdmans Publishing- usedby permission), It is difficult to give a clear distinction between the 3 Greek words that expand on the meaning of "the surpassing greatness of His power (dunamis)", but in simple terms it pictures the piling up of similar terms in an attempt to convey the magnitude and capability of God's incomprehensible, infinite power. Modern maps containing the results Of the explorations of Livingstone, Stanley, Burton, tell another story of river, Savannah, tableland, and of myriads of inhabitants. Oh, how we need to grow in our experience of it, because the struggles we face in life are not merely human conflicts. But where are You?. I may have a call to go to the mission field in Africa. But there are many good reasons to interpret the text this way. As you pray and study Gods Word, He transforms and renews your mind (Rom. And I see my past has been redeemed A marvellous lift was there! He prayed first of all that they be given a divine awareness of the power they possessed in Christ. He has called us to a completed righteousness and to the completed redemption of our bodies. When an emigrant first receives the title-deeds of the broad lands made over to him in the far West, he has no conception, as he descends the steps of the Government office and passes into the crowd, of all that has been conveyed to him in the schedule of parchment. If that has happened to you, confess it immediately and turn from it. It abounded with orators and philosophers, and men of great wisdom and learning {c}; and was formerly a very rich, trading, flourishing city, but now a village, and a poor desolate place; it retains the name of Efeso, though the Turks call it Aia Salik. Though lifting our troubles and needs to God is both acceptable and important, we should never forget to express our thankfulness, jubilance, and praise to Him in prayer. 10:16; 51:19; etc.). Saving faith is sufficient for trusting Christ and being saved, but such must grow into Sanctifying faith, Serving faith, Standing faith, and Suffering faith. Click for multiple Scriptures dealing with the other view (#2) that the inheritance refers to what believers will inherit one day by virtue of their position in Christ. (Galatians 5:16-note) Obeying that command would settle the matter of walking in the flesh verses walking in the Spirit. In 1:18-19, he elaborates on what that means, namely, that God wants us to know three essentials about our salvation that will give us assurance about our high calling as God's people. Vine explains that genuine belief is a firm conviction of the truth, a surrender to that truth and a conduct that results from that surrender. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. This is why Paul prayed for the eyes of their hearts to really understand these truths. Philippians The salutation is in Eph 1:2, which is common to all his epistles: and in Eph 1:3, is the thanksgiving to God, as the God and Father of Christ, for spiritual blessings in Christ in general; and then he proceeds to particulars, and begins with election, which is represented as an act of God the Father, as of particular persons, as done in Christ, and from the foundation of the world, the end of which is perfect holiness and love, Eph 1:4, and which is further illustrated under the name of predestination; the blessing which that is an appointment to, is the adoption of children; the moving cause of it, is the good pleasure of the divine will; the instrumental cause, or means, is Christ Jesus; the end with God is for himself, Eph 1:5, and which, in the next verse, is explained of the glory of his grace; to which grace, acceptance with him in Christ is owing; and which is another spiritual blessing, or a branch of election and predestination, Eph 1:6. --DJD. Kleronomia compounded from kleros and nemo, allot, is first the activity of dividing by lot, then the portion so divided, the inheritance. When He placed his cross against the wall, and scaled our ramparts, planting on our strongholds the blood-red flag of his omnipotent mercy? Don't you think it's time that the people of God begin to understand and to exercise Kingdom Authority? (A Day's Journey: 365 Daily Meditations from the Word). It refers to a degree which exceeds extraordinary and thus excels. They dont know the reality of heaven. Reaffirm your love for Him, and express your willingness to be changed by His Spirit in any way He sees fit. The boy responded, "I wasn't shy. Consequently, they constantly strive for material things and are continually caught up in carnal pursuits. But now Rader was fighting for souls, and as he stood to speak he proclaimed his text, Ephesians 1:18. The orphans are helped, and God is glorified. (Ephesians 1:19) We are bidden to follow our Master in his up ward track, and to sit with Him, in daily happy experience, where He is already seated at the right hand of God. Ephesians 6:10 says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Salem Media Group. 3:20). The church cannot arise and go out as at other times, and this the Philistines well know." Leaning his head on the seat in front of him, he trembled. To each the conception of looking onward is attached; to the "calling" "hope," to the "inheritance" "glory," to the "power" the exaltation of Christ (and of us with Him; see Ephesians 2:6) to the right hand of God. New Testament scholar F. F. Bruce writes (The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians [Eerdmans], p. 270), That God should set such high value on a community of sinners, rescued from perdition and still bearing too many traces of their former state, might well seem incredible were it not made clear that he sees them in Christ, as from the beginning he chose them in Christ., Why did God do this? Amen, Paxson -How seldom we think of what we are to God! In this sermon on Ephesians 1:18 titled "The Hope of His Calling," Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds this great prayer of Paul and carefully navigates between the general call of God in the gospel for all and the effectual call of the Holy Spirit for believers. But, since there are many who dispute it, allow me just to stir up your minds by way of remembrance, by mentioning certain facts which will lead you to see clearly that verily God does choose our lot, and apportion for us our inheritance. The next time you participate in a group prayer session, speak up with a bold heart and give honor to the almighty God. That is why one cannot receive the full impact of the meaning of the Word of God except as the Holy Spirit illuminates his mind to understand it. Why? Rather, if we are the called according to Gods purpose, then we know that He is actively working all things together for our good, both in time and in eternity (Rom. God had placed a call on Pauls life from the moment he was converted (Acts 9:1516). Rather, as Paul will go on to say, we were dead in our sins, but God raised us up. Thus power unto salvation (Ro1:16): the kingdom coming in power (Mk 9:1): God himself called powerthe right hand of the power (Mt. Is this not every believers great challenge and need?! Wiersbe draws a fitting application of Paul's great prayer for our great need - "The greatest power shortage today is not in our generators or our gas tanks. Compatibility Mechanical: 64 Bit (x64) For fifteen years the Romans defended their homeland against the brilliant Carthaginianand could never drive him out. A strong man (Mt.